Statistics show that only 6 in 10 Americans have life insurance and nearly half of them have insufficient coverage to address the financial needs of their family. VFIS of North Carolina can help. We offer Group Term Life Policies your organization can purchase as a benefit for your employees and/or volunteers. This is a cost effective way to retain and recruit members as well as help to provide a meaningful benefit to their family in the event of a tragedy.
Highlights of a Group Term Life Policy include:
Around the clock coverage – 24/7 on-duty and off-duty coverage for any cause of death
Guaranteed issue & Portability
Conversion privilege – members can take the coverage with them when they leave
Disability waiver of premium – no further premiums due if member is totally disabled
Accelerated life benefit - portion of benefit is payable if terminally ill
24-hour accidental death – automatically included in addition to basic life coverage
If you or your organization is interested in looking at Group Term Life coverage for your members, contact your local VFIS of North Carolina Sales Associate or contact us at 800-726-1228 or click on the link below.
Group term life insurance is a cost-effective benefit that can help you retain and recruit members.