"It can't happen to me." That is what some emergency responders believe when it comes to line-of-duty injuries. But, the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) reported more than 68,085 firefighter injuries were reported in the US in 2015. Of these, 29,130 were injuries at the fireground. Fireground injuries occur at the fire emergency scene and the surrounding area. Non-fireground injuries are all other injuries that occur outside of the fireground. These include responding and returning from incidents, non-fire emergencies, training and other on-duty activities.
Some emergency personnel believe that workers' compensation will take care of their families' financial needs in the event of a service-related injury, illness or death.
Sadly, many learn that even with generous workers' compensation benefits, gaps exist. Waiting periods, maximum disability limits, pre-existing conditions and limits for heart conditions are just a few situations that can create economic impact due to limited benefits or claims denial. In addition, workers’ compensation may exclude benefits for fundraising events, junior members and auxiliary members.
Don't rely solely on worker's compensation. Protect your members with VFIS Accident and Sickness coverage.
Loss of Life
Weekly Disability Benefits
Lump Sum Permanent Physical Impairment
Lifetime Weekly Income for Permanent Physical Impairments
Medical Benefits
Occupational Retraining Benefit
Other Optional Coverages available
Covers All Classes of Membership equally
Covered for All Normal Duties including travel to and from those activities
*Submit completed application to admin@vfisnc.com or leave us an inquiry below.